First Dog Show

Lightning at his first dog show, the 2000 SCA National Specialty
Lightning and Linda made their debut in the show ring at the Samoyed Club of America 2000 National Specialty in Frederick, Maryland. Lightning's brother and cousins were in the ring with us, which made it feel more like a family gathering than a formal event. Lightning made the first cut in the 6-9 month old puppy class under breeder-judge Lynette Hanson-Blue. The show floor was described as a "sea of white" with over 500 beautifully groomed Samoyeds presented to the judges over the week-long event.

Little did we know at the time that our beautiful puppy would go Best In Show at the 2004 SCA National Specialty, just four years into the future!

Borthers Lightning and Loki at the SCA Challenge Pack Hike
We took advantage of many working events that were offered at the National. Here Loki, owned by Cynthia and Matt Woodard (burgundy pack) sniffs noses with his brother Lightning (blue pack) prior to the Challenge Pack Hike. They are both wearing Reflector dog packs were made by our company, Wolf Packs.
First Dog Show | Puppyhood, Showing | Pacific Crest Samoyeds